Moving students from one course to a different course
Once a student has been enrolled in Carnegie ESL or Carnegie ESP, they can be moved from one course to another; however, students cannot be enrolled in more than one course at a time. They must first be removed from the current course they are enrolled in before they can be enrolled into a new course. To check the course name, look at the name displayed at the top of the page of the Teacher Dashboard. You can navigate to another course using the dropdown menu.
To accomplish this, click on your name in the upper right corner of the NativeAccent masthead and select Class Management / Manage Class Enrollments from the dropdown list.
You will be presented with a list of currently enrolled users in the left column. The right column shows all students currently in the database who are not enrolled in a course. Use the Add and Remove buttons to move students in and out of a course. A student must be enrolled in a course in order to log into the program. Students can only be placed in one course at a time.
To move students from one course to another, remove them from the current course, go to the dashboard and the dropdown menu next to the course name that appears at the top of the page to navigate to the target course and there add the students.
Teacher Tools / Class Management / Misc. Operations
- Run IT - resets the learning path based on current skill levels.
Reset - removes all assessments, skills, recordings, and active learning times for selected students. This is used for students who have been long absent from their studies. They start again from the initial assessment. This is not reversible.
Delete student(s) – removes students from the database. This cannot be undone without assistance from [email protected]
Use Cases
Run Intelligent Tutor- recommended when moving student(s) from one class to another to assign the new class settings. All student data is maintained.
Reset Students – removes all assessments and skills and starts the student back at the beginning with a new initial assessment.
Delete Student(s) – this removes all student data from your schools and makes their information anonymous in the database. If a student is deleted in error, contact support