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Home > 3 The Carnegie K12 Local Administrator Roadmap > The Carnegie K12 Local Administrator:01 - The Organization and Administration Of Carnegie K12
The Carnegie K12 Local Administrator:01 - The Organization and Administration Of Carnegie K12
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School – A school is an organizational unit.  All courses, users, classes, and playlists exist within your school container.

Course – A course is a container defined by the course name and settings.  There are several types of courses available:

  Carnegie ESL - for middle and high school students

  Carnegie ESP - for early speech in grades 2-6 and newcomers at any age.

Class - A class is the grouping of students and teachers to participate in a particular course.

User - a user is a person with login access to your school container

User Roles - There are three user roles in a NativeAccent school:

  1. Student

    • Students can be enrolled in one, and only one, course at a time.  Their role is to take the assessment and follow the intelligent tutor path and take the final assessment

  2. Teacher

    • Teachers can manage students in their class, change course settings, and run reports

  3. Local Administrator

    • The local administrator can create courses and assign/enroll teachers in classes.

    • The local admin can do all teacher functions.

    • All courses, teachers, and students associated with a school are visible to the local administrator

System Administrator - Carnegie Speech has an additional role as System Administrator, with access to all schools, courses, and user data.  This role is used by Customer Care and Tech Support to create schools, initial courses, and users and to resolve customer support issues.

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